Meet our People - Jay JoshiOver the next few months we will be introducing you to members of the Juul & Payne team. Find out more about our Optometrist, Jay Joshi.
Personalised Lenses Special Offer It is now possible to personalise your spectacle lenses thanks to our new Visi Office X computerised dispensing equipment.
Why Regular Eye Exams Matter An eye examination is about much more than just correcting your vision. Regular eye examinations are vital to safeguard your sight.
Beware of Your Mobile in the Sun! Looking at your mobile phone for a prolonged period on a sunny day can be dangerous to your eyes.
Zeiss ClearView Lenses We offer ZEISS ClearView Lenses which give excellent vision clarity from the lens centre to the periphery.
Focus on Eco - Carbon Negative EyewearYou can look great AND help the planet with Eco carbon negative eyewear.
How we can all help the Environment At Juul & Payne we have committed to protecting the environment in a number of small ways.
Shaun the AstronautCongratulations to one of our more famous "patients" on his stellar new career: Shaun the Astronaut.
Happy Patients Are Why We Are Here There is nothing like a personal recommendation and many of our patients come to us because they have been referred by friends or family.